Saturday, October 20, 2007

Barry Devlin at "Poor Auld Fellas" launch

From "The Weather" blog of Brian Reynolds

You see Connor, myself and Arthur had been in a band togethr in the 1980's, Adored by Millions. Arthur was the drummer, Connor the lead singer and myself playing guitar.Arthur of coarse went on to fame and fortune in the world of comedy writing, with Fr Ted the big one that really took the world by storm/
I hadn't seen him since around 1988, so it was great to meet up again at the book launch on Tuesday night.

Barry Devlin, he of Horslips fame and later creating U2 videos offically launched the book, with Declan Lynch, the author then reading some excerpts from it.
The books takes a comic and satirical look at the old folk, men living in modern Ireland, especially in regard to their choice, or lack of ,TV viewing on RTE our national broadcaster.

Funny it is, as with anything Lynch or Matthews put their attentions to can only be. Afterwards we chatted with Barry Devlin recounting old tales and yarns form the great days of the Horslips gigs around the country. Nice, down to earth guy he is too.

More at the link.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

A Review of Roll Back & Song of the Day

TWO great Horslips blogs in the last few days!

Horslips Roll Back

Horslips were a bunch of seriously talented musicians and that comes out in these recordings. What also becomes evident very quickly is the strength of the songs. Allowed to breathe a little they sound so well crafted and it is most intriguing to see the breadth of their twelve albums given the same template as opposed to the very Celtic sound of early albums and universal commercialism of the later years. It leads the songs into timelessness.

More at the link

October 8 Song of the Day - The Man Who Built America

Sometimes it takes someone we consider an outsider to see us for who we really are. It's definitely true in the case of this song, where five guys from Ireland perfectly sum up the spirit of the United States as a country with this 1979 classic.

More at the link.

Horslips siting: A Review of Roll Back & Song of the Day

(OT: I really should just start a separate Halloween blog and go to town with it. I've been looking forward to the season ever since Halloween and Vine.)

TWO great Horslips blogs in the last few days!

Horslips Roll Back

Horslips were a bunch of seriously talented musicians and that comes out in these recordings. What also becomes evident very quickly is the strength of the songs. Allowed to breathe a little they sound so well crafted and it is most intriguing to see the breadth of their twelve albums given the same template as opposed to the very Celtic sound of early albums and universal commercialism of the later years. It leads the songs into timelessness.

More at the link

October 8 Song of the Day - The Man Who Built America

Sometimes it takes someone we consider an outsider to see us for who we really are. It's definitely true in the case of this song, where five guys from Ireland perfectly sum up the spirit of the United States as a country with this 1979 classic.

More at the link.